【SDGs論壇 】Global Youth Leadership Programme UN-SDGs (Okinawa) Bootcamp & Forum 

Global Youth Leadership Programme UN-SDGs (Okinawa) Bootcamp & Forum


  • 本系林盟翔副教授兼主任、游詣萱講師、鄭凱駿講師擔任於10月28-30日在日本沖繩舉辦的 「2024 Global Youth Leadership Programme」之第二場工作坊:「Workshop 2: Discussion on climate adaptation support」講師。
  • 2024 Global Youth Leadership Programme

    • UN-SDGs (Okinawa) Bootcamp & Forum, focuses on “Youth Co-Creation,” where participants will collaboratively draft the “Okinawa Declaration.” Divided into 17 groups representing SDG1 to SDG17, these participants from various countries will analyze the island’s climate crisis. All group declarations will be compiled into a final statement, presented at the closing ceremony on October 30, and submitted to COP29 in Azerbaijan to extend our global impact.

  • Goals

    • Our goal is to create a sustainable future by addressing the climate crises faced by vulnerable small island nations. We aim to drive global awareness to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • Values

    • Our values center around climate justice and collaboration. We believe that youth voices, representing diverse cultures and backgrounds will play a pivotal role in shaping the future.
  • Mission

    • Our mission is to lead a global youth movement that drives concrete action plans on climate adaptation and mitigation. Through the Okinawa Declaration, we will push for real solutions and global accountability in tackling the climate crisis.

報導來源:社會影響力投資基金會(請點我2024 Global Youth Leadership Programme
